Video: BATMAN BLOOD AND MUD ( REDUX ) 3D Animation Fan-Made Film

BATMAN: BLOOD AND MUD REDUX - 3D animation - contains violent graphic images. Reticom Films has re-issued it's fan-made film but with a few extra scenes & better quality. It's based upon the acclaimed graphic novel by Frank Miller's THE DARK KNIGHT RETURNS. "In a not distant future, Bruce Wayne now retired from his vigilante duties, watches the city of Gotham burn under the merciless attacks of a new criminal breed, The Mutants. Bruce's alter ego torments his mind, waiting the moment when the dark knight returns to avenge Gotham one last time." This animated flick by Thiago Micalopulos, produced by Carolina Romano, Music by Jeremy Flinders. A. Spliff Rosa, Mac Cauley, Carolina Romano, James La maquina.

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