BAT-MITE DESKTOP WALLPAPERS: From Batman: The Brave and The Bold Cartoon!

Remember, every Wednesday here at the Bat-Blog is "Wacky Wallpaper Wednesday™" & this week I thought I would use a few images of BAT-MITE from the soon to be released Batman: The Brave and The Bold animated TV series. YES! Bat-Mite is returning from the 5th Dimension to create total chaos in Gotham City! The cool thing, is that WB hired the actor Paul Reubens ( Pee Wee Herman ) for the voice of Bat-Mite. This episode, titled "LEGENDS OF THE DARK MITE", premieres this Friday, May 22nd, 2009.Another thing that's kinda neat is that there will be a dream sequence where Bat-Mite has to fight Catwoman, Penguin, The Joker, Riddler, Zebra-Man, Cat-Man, Killer Moth, & many other vintage classic bat-villains...and the retro-style artwork looks really awesome!

CLICK HERE For More Batman Desktop Wallpaper of The Dark Knight!