This is sort of sad news for Toy Collectors out there. Mattel has decided to cancel the RETRO ACTION DC SUPER HEROES Toy Line. These are the brand-new 8" figures that were made to sort of be like the old vintage MEGO DOLLS from the 1970's. They're totally great toys, very very cool! Well, some Toy Collectors have got together & created a "SAVE THE RETRO LINE" Petition to try & get Mattel to continue making the figures. Basically, what they're saying to Mattel is, "If retail stores don't seem like a profitable solution, then consider making these Retro figures as exclusives on mattycollector.com or consider an annual subscription service." It's sort of a desperate attempt but I think if they got enough people involved then maybe it has a chance. So, if you love the Old Mego Dolls or enjoy collecting these new ones then please CLICK HERE & sign the petition. Every signature helps! Also, please be sure to tell all your friends about it too.