OK, I decided the other day to go hit Wal-Mart & see what kind of Batman items I could find. If you're a Serious Bat-Collector then you know it's been really really dry lately. But that's cool because it allows us time to save a little money for stuff later, ha ha! But anyway, the trip to the famous retail store was kinda lame. The only new things I found were some Kid's T-Shirts ( Most of them have a LEGO BATMAN theme which is pretty cool ) & that's usually not something that I personally buy ( in fact, I didn't ). But, when I got to their "Seasonal Area", they were doing a "Summer Time - July 4th Theme" & they had this extremely awesome BATMAN 5 Foot long BEACH TOWEL! Oh man, the graphics are beautiful and it's the "comic book version" of Batman. The quality is really nice too & the thing is only 10 bucks, can't beat that! But if ya want one you better hurry because it's the very best selling one in the bunch. I mean, don't get stuck with Disney's Little Mermaid, ha! one last thing, if ANY Bat-Blog Fan out there sees ANY new Batman items, no matter what they are, then please let us know so we can share... Thanks!