It's time once again at the Bat-Blog to post a few photos of some extremely RARE Batman Toys & Merchandise for Bat-Collectors to totally drool over! So, start drooling now. The 1st item is the 1966 BATMAN FLYING COPTER by Remco. It's shown here in the original box & I completely love the retro-style graphics. Next up, is the 1966 BATMAN FLIP-FLASHLIGHT. Now, talk about amazing graphics....this thing is beautiful!! It's amazing that it is still on the original blister card & never opened. As a little kid I would have ripped this puppy open at the store! You know, I have been an Antique & Collectibles Dealer for over 20 years, mostly toys. One day, along time ago, I bought an extremely rare toy, in the original box still shrink-wrapped, from a lady at a garage sale. I thought it was totally crazy that it had never been opened. I asked her about it & she said that she had bought the toy for her son for his birthday way back in the 1960's. She said that she had hid it from him, in the very back of her closet, & when it came time for her to give it to him she had totally forgot where she put it, ha ha! She said she panicked & ran over to Sears to buy duplicates of the toy she had previously bought! Then, about 35 years later ( around the time of this garage sale ) she found it. So, this sort of explains how items like this end up existing after all these years. Speaking of MIP ( Mint in Package ) items, our last item in the list is super rare to find unopened! This is the 1966 BATMAN BELT BUCKLE made by the Morris Belt Company. I've seen this buckle "loose" many times but I've only seen it like this maybe once or twice. Do you have any super-rare Batman Toys in YOUR collection that YOU would like to share? If so, then please send us some pictures, thanks.