Finally! Today, McDonalds released a photo of what the new BATMAN: THE BRAVE AND THE BOLD Happy Meal Toys for the US market are gonna look like ( click on the pic up above for a larger version )!! There will be 8 toys to collect. Basically it's 6 figures & 2 vehicles. The figures include: Batman, Aquaman, Green Arrow, Blue Beetle, Plastic Man, & The Joker. The other ones are the Batmobile Car & Black Manta's Robot Ship. Plus, here's some added cool news. Each toy will be imprinted with a special code number that you can use to log-in at the McDonald's website to unlock a "Virtual Batmobile"!! Last night I went to McDonalds & asked then about this new set of toys & they said it would still be another week or two until they release them...So, what do you think about them?! ( Thanks to Ryan for the info! )