YES! Some more brand new comic book art has been leaked-out from the upcoming BATMAN: ODYSSEY project. Of course it's done by legendary Batman artist Neal Adams! The 1st two photos are pictures of what the covers to issues #2 and #3 are going to look like. I'm not sure if these are the actual covers or special variant ones but either way they're pretty cool. The last graphic is a large 2-page spread that I converted into a Wallpaper Background you can use on your desktop ( down below ). The art looks amazing!! This scene shows the Dynamic Duo riding around in the Batmobile & it looks like Robin is reading a piece of paper with a riddle on it ( The Riddler? ) & all of a sudden Robin is reacting like, "Hey, the bridge is out!". Then, the Batmobile turns into a jet-car. Ha Ha, it's funny, it's like Batman never told him the car could do that! The 1st issue is set to go on sale July 7th, 2010 so look for it then. In the mean time, click on these pics to make them larger & enjoy some beautiful artwork!