Alright, I know the title to this post is kind of wacky but I'm sort of poking fun at my friend James. You see, he just turned 36 & decided to have a "Batman Themed" Birthday Party this year. I'm talking decorations, cake, everything! Man, that cake is beautiful & it's making me hungry, ha! He said he thought it was unusual for a grown man to have a Batman birthday but I totally disagree, I think it's GREAT! My theory is you're only as old as you feel, so stay young! By now James has already had his party & I hope it was a good one. I wanna thank him for allowing us to share these personal pics, that means a lot. Plus, Happy Bat-Birthday James!! If any other Bat-Blog Fans party down "Batman-style" then please send us your pics. The Bat-Blog is all about celebrating the comic book character we all love & having fun doing it, thanks.