Video - BATMAN: THE BRAVE AND THE BOLD - Clips From "Aquaman's Outrageous Adventure"
OK, right off the bat I need to apologize for not having these clips up sooner, before the actual TV show appeared, but the deal is that the Warner Bros Publicity Dept was late in sending them to me. Yeah, I'm kinda mad about that but I guess "stuff happens". So, sorry about that. Anyway, here are the video clips from the latest episode of BATMAN: THE BRAVE & THE BOLD. The show was titled "Aquaman's Outrageous Adventure!" and it was pretty cool! We got to see Enemy Ace in the teaser ( the 1st clip ) & Aquaman, Green Arrow, & The Penguin in the main event (2nd clip ). The videos here are still pretty fun to watch. In fact, they're ...OUTRAGEOUS!