I got an email the other day from a very nice guy named Keith. He wants to get a Batman-related Tattoo with an "ARKHAM ASYLUM" theme. So, he asked me to ask my readers if you have any ideas or know of any cool graphics that sort of showcase the ARKHAM ASYLUM building. I posted a picture up above that lets you know a little bit about what we're talking about. Actually, his letter explains it a lot better than I can so please read this:
"I am thinking of getting an Arkham Asylum tattoo on my arm. The thing is I can't seem to find anything that fits the image that is in my brain. I am picturing the gates with a gargoyle on either side, The name above and the asylum itself in the background. I was wondering if you, or any of your Bat-Blog Readers, would have ( or know of any ) images that would help me out. I have gone through most of my graphic novels ( which I have a lot ) but still nothing. So, any help would be greatly appreciated!"