CBL Presents: Inside the Batmobile Video ( Batman Movie Version )
A look at the Batmobile that toured the country promoting Onstar. This is the original car driven by Michael Keaton in the Batman movies! This video was shot during production of the Comic Book Literacy documentary. For more information about the COMIC BOOK LITERACY program please be sure to click HERE!

BATMAN Graphic Desktop Wallpaper Backgrounds

It's really late, I'm totally exhausted, but I thought I would post a few FREE Batman Wallpapers for you guys & girls to enjoy. The 1st one is from a recent episode of Batman: The Brave & The Bold. It features Robin, The Boy Wonder, knocking out the Joker ( love that character on that TV cartoon ), with just one punch! The next image is from the current Batman Comic Books and the artwork is done by Frank Quitely. It's kinda weird & creepy...but very cool at the same time. Hope y'all enjoy these.
ART: Superman & Batman as Life-Size Statues!

Here are 2 very cool Superman & Batman Life-Size Statues made by an Artist named Cedric. When I first saw the one of Superman I thought it was a photo of Christopher Reeve, ha ha! Both of these statues are really really great & I can't really pick which one I like better! But I guess I gotta go with the one of the Dark Knight because I'm such a huge Bat-Fan. Now, if you would like to see more pics of these Masterpieces of Art then be sure to click HERE! There you will find a few "making of" photos, showing the process, pretty interesting stuff. I wanna thank Cedric for sending me the pics, good work there Ced!
BATMAN TATTOO "Some Days You Just Can't Get Rid of a Bomb!" ADAM WEST Movie

OK, this Batman Tattoo has the word "WIN" written all over it! Even if you're not a fan of the art form you gotta give props to how cool this is! A friend to the Bat-Blog emailed this to us the other night & we're not sure if this is his bat-tattoo, or just a cool pic he found. But either way I love the homage to the 1966 Batman TV Movie. It's the scene where Adam West is running around trying to get rid of a bomb. It has the classic phrase underneath the image, "Some days you just can't get rid of a bomb!" ...Awesome! If there are any other readers out there who have had some recent bat-tat work done then please send us some photos, thanks!

Here are some really great pics I thought I would share today. You know, to totally torture you, ha ha! This is an extremely cool vintage 1960's toy that I bet some of you might have had this when you were a small child. This is the BATMAN HOT LINE BATPHONE!! It came out during the craze of the 1966 Batman TV Show & kids at that time totally loved it! It was made by the Classic Toy Company, LOUIS MARX & CO. It's a battery-operated device where, when you press a button, it would say 10 different sayings or phrases - stuff like, "We can never let the people down!, This is our kind of fight!, Depart in haste - Boy Wonder!, They'll never remove the bat mask!, Go thaw Mr. Freeze!, & (my favorite) Go ZAP those greasy criminals!" I wonder if there's a YouTube video of the TV Commercial ( if they made a TV ad ) or maybe somebody created a MP3 of the sounds, who knows? It would be great to hear them again. By the way, these pics were sent to me by a friend to totally torture me. You see, he knows that I don't have this thing & I really want one. Thanks Jim, you made me cry. I hope you're happy now, ha ha!

I'm kinda proud of the fact that the Bat-Blog is one of the #1 places that people enjoy sharing their love of Batman Toy collecting. I've been a total Toy Collector for over 20 years & I am always still amazed when I see other people's collections. I don't know, it's just a really neat experience. Here's a great example. The other day I got an e-mail from a Bat-Blog Fan named Jason. You might remember his cool Joker & Poison Ivy Tattoo Photos we posted recently. Well, he sent us some pics of his awesome JOKER TOY collection!! I gotta say that there are some very great "Prince of Crime" items shown here, Ha Ha Ha! I love how it's all displayed so nicely. Plus, it's really cool to see a bunch of Joker stuff all together. I like collections that focus on a certain aspect of Batman. A few people I know focus mainly on the Batmobile Cars, for example. I wanna thank Jason for sharing these wonderful photos. Jason, I know you sent more pics than this but because of space limitations I had to tweet then down a little. But, overall, this is a nice representation of your amazing collection. Thanks for sending them, I appreciate that a lot. Hey everybody, if you have a collection ( Toys, Comics, Props, Art, etc..) that you enjoy then please shoot us some pics this week & send them in...the main focus of the Bat-Blog is sharing the love of collecting!!
METAL MEN Guest Stars on BATMAN, THE BRAVE AND THE BOLD - Wallpaper Backgrounds!

To celebrate the arrival of the METAL MEN as brand-new Guest Characters on the BATMAN: THE BRAVE AND THE BOLD TV Cartoon Series I decided to make a few Metal Men Desktop Wallpapers! Remember, the new episode airs this Friday at 7:30 pm on the Cartoon Network!!
In this week's AUTHORIZED BY WARNER BROS Video Previews for BATMAN: THE BRAVE & THE BOLD we get to see the METAL MEN in action! The episode is titled "Clash of the Metal Men" & airs this Friday, January 29th at 7:30 pm on the Cartoon Network.

"Batman is introduced to a team of energetic androids known as the Metal Men. When their creator goes missing at the hands of the Gas Gang, Batman helps them track the villains to get him back"
Video: BATMAN Bat-Symbol Chest Logo Created with Adobe Illustrator
OK, this video is not a complete "How To" tutorial but you get the basic idea. It shows you how to use Adobe Illustrator to make a BATMAN Bat-Symbol Chest Logo ( Classic "Yellow Oval" version ). It's kinda cool!

Original Art - BATMAN CONFIDENTIAL #28 Comic Book Cover By Jose Luis Garcia Lopez

I totally love Original Comic Book Art & if I could afford it I would totally collect it. I have a few pieces of art but nothing really Batman-related. Well, I did meet Art Baltazar recently & got an "Adam West Batman" sketch from him. So, OK, maybe 1 item. But shown here is an amazing piece of art that I would totally love to have. This is the original cover art for BATMAN CONFIDENTIAL # 28. It's done by no other than Jose Luis Garcia Lopez, a legend in the industry. It features the Riddler as the main villain & the composition is really striking. Be sure to click on the picture of the artwork for a larger, more detailed, photo ...it's really really nice! OK, If there are any Bat-Blog Readers out there who specialize in collecting Batman art then please send us some pics. It can be Comic Book Cover Art or Pages, Animation Cels, Production Art, Style Sheets, etc...
Cool JOKER & POISON IVY Batman Tattoo Art Photos!

Presented here for your viewing pleasure are 2 extremely well done Batman Tattoos of THE JOKER & POISON IVY! Well, the "Poison Ivy" one is not completed yet but you get the idea & so far it looks really great! These pics were sent in by our friend Jason who is also the extremely talented Tattoo Artist who did them. I love the expression on Joker's face & he's holding that cool "Joker Cane", that's a neat touch. Plus, the coloring is very excellent. The next pic shows the 1st stages of creating a Poison Ivy Pin-Up Girl Tattoo. I can already tell that this is gonna be really great when done but Jason, you better send us a pic of the completed project, ha ha! I wanna thank Jason for sharing the photos & his cool artwork, good job!
New BATMAN MERCHANDISE Spotted at Retail Stores!

Awesome! Our good friend Batmobilly has a recent report of the retail store action for us! The 1st brand-new Batman Toy shown here is a Target Store Exclusive. It's THE JOKER from the Fisher-Price Imaginext Series. Ya got to admit that $3.99 is a pretty good price. The next item was also spotted at Target. Here are 2 different ACTION LEAGUE Figure Sets. One is Batman with the Batcycle & the other is Batman with Gorilla Grodd. Of course these are the BATMAN: THE BRAVE AND THE BOLD versions...very cool! The last collectible is also an Imaginext Action Figure but it was found at Wal-Mart. It's TWO-FACE & it looks like he comes with a bank vault door, oh yeah! OK, I gotta send out a HUGE Thank You to Batmobilly for sending the wonderful pics, that's great! If any other Bat-Blog Readers find out about any totally new bat-merchandise while you're out running around then please let us know. Sharing the joy of collecting Batman Toys is the main function of the Bat-Blog! ( Our email button is always on the top right-hand side of this page ).
Video: BAT-DUDE Visits The Children's Hospital of Illinois
Here are 2 recent videos from a Bat-Blog Fan named Kevin. He is part of a group known as "Heroes On Parade". They donate their time for charity events dressed as their favorite TV & comic book characters. Personally, I think that's a really wonderful thing to do so I wanna send my thanks out to them. Keep up the good work. I know that when you guys visit children in Hospitals & stuff that it really does make a difference in their healing process. Plus, when you guys create an environment that causes awareness of some charity event it does go to creating many more donations. So, Thank You. Kevin said that "seeing the BIG smiles on little kid's faces is worth more than a pot of gold" & he's amazed at how many children totally get excited about meeting Batman. The videos shown here were taken at the recently held Peoria, Illinois Family Fun Fest event where Kevin quickly became known as "The Bat Dude " ! This is a fun-filled yearly event that benefits the Children's Hospital of Illinois. The One day event, held inside the Peoria Civic center, drew an estimated 6000 Kids and Families...cool, very cool!

NEW BAT-PRODUCT: Hot Wheels Elite 1966 TV Series Batmobile 1:43 Scale

Here's a very cool ( totally brand-new ) Batman Toy that you need to keep your eyes peeled for. Mattel has finally released the HOT WHEELS ELITE 1966 TV Series Batmobile Car in 1:43 Scale. Now, the "Elite version" means that it is hyper-realistic in it's detailing, like every tiny little detail imaginable. I mean, the Bat-Phone's Receiver has a little spiral-cord, ha ha! The next thing would be it's size. OK, if you remember the Classic Corgi Batmobiles from the 1960's & 70's then this car is approx. the same size as that. It measures about 5 1/4" long & 2" wide. One last thing, it's going to be limited to 10,000 pieces & it comes with a Special Display Stand Base. Plus, I have not hit retail stores recently so I'm not quite sure what the actual retail price is, sorry. Please stay tuned for more details.
BATMAN TATTOO: Bat-Blog Fan Needs Your Help!

I got an email the other day from a very nice guy named Keith. He wants to get a Batman-related Tattoo with an "ARKHAM ASYLUM" theme. So, he asked me to ask my readers if you have any ideas or know of any cool graphics that sort of showcase the ARKHAM ASYLUM building. I posted a picture up above that lets you know a little bit about what we're talking about. Actually, his letter explains it a lot better than I can so please read this:
"I am thinking of getting an Arkham Asylum tattoo on my arm. The thing is I can't seem to find anything that fits the image that is in my brain. I am picturing the gates with a gargoyle on either side, The name above and the asylum itself in the background. I was wondering if you, or any of your Bat-Blog Readers, would have ( or know of any ) images that would help me out. I have gone through most of my graphic novels ( which I have a lot ) but still nothing. So, any help would be greatly appreciated!"
THE PENGUIN Vinyl Model Kit BATMAN RETURNS ( 1992 Movie )

I just realized last night that I have not featured one of these wonderful Model kits in awhile so here we GO! Shown here, for your viewing pleasure, is this extremely beautiful Vinyl Model Kit of THE PENGUIN made by our good friend SKINNYBIRD. Of course it's the "Danny DeVito version" from Tim Burton's Classic 1992 Film BATMAN RETURNS. One photo is a full-body shot where you see the whole thing but the magic really happens in the other photo that is a close-up of the character's face. I think he did an amazing job on the painting of the face. Actually, the whole thing is painted extremely well, but with these kind of model kits of actual real-life people you really gotta do a good job on the face or they just don't work. This one does, looks just like the actor...NICE! If you're new to the Bat-Blog then I guess I need to explain that we have been posting a few of these Batman Models every now & then. A Good Friend to the Bat-Blog, nicknamed "Skinnybird", sent us some great pics awhile back of all the Batman Model kits he has built. To view all the ones posted so far just look down below this post for the LABEL word "Skinnybird" & click on that. It will open all the posts related to his artwork. Last, but not least, I wanna thank Skinnybird for sending these & invite all other creative readers to do the same! Your pics don't have to be models but can be any kind of Batman-related thing, thanks!

Poison Ivy is the latest statue to join the insanely popular COVER GIRLS OF THE DC UNIVERSE statue series! DC Direct specially commissioned fan-favorite artist Adam Hughes to design this statue to fit in with others he has designed. For example, Poison Ivy here is the companion piece to the recent Harley Quinn Statue! Hand-painted, cold-cast in porcelain, and measuring approximately 9 3/4" high x 4 1/4" wide x 4 1/4" deep, this statue includes a 4-color Certificate of Authenticity and is packaged in a 4-color box. The Retail price will be around $100.00 & has a Release Date of September 15th, 2010. But, for a better deal click link below:
OK, speaking of Adam Hughes, the Great Comic Book Artist. Down below is the original concept artwork for this statue. The images I got were so BIG I thought, "Oh man, these NEED to be Desktop Wallpapers!". So, here's a few Poison ivy Statue backgrounds for your PC.

Personal News: BAT-BLOG.COM Gets a Nice Plug!

Over at the POP CULTURE SHOCK website the Bat-Blog gets a nice mention in the NO CURE FOR COMICS section. Our friend Matt did a story about the "Comic Blog Elite" site & mentions that the Bat-Blog is Number 2 on their list of worthy blogs. Actually, we were Number 1 for almost a year but that's cool ( I'm not bitter, ha ha! ) I mean, if you're in 2nd place, it makes you work harder, right? Anyways, thanks to Matt for the shout out! You can visit his site by clicking HERE!
Ted Naifeh's BATMAN BOOK Conceptual Design Art

Shown up above are a few panels of Batman-related artwork created by a very talented Graphic Artist named Ted Naifeh. Ted's plan is to pitch a new Batman Book idea to DC Comics. You see, he has taken the Batman Universe & sort-of recreated it in his own unique style. Most of the characters are easily recognizable like: Scarecrow, The Penguin, Catwoman, The Mad Hatter, & so on but they're also just a "little different". He's been working on this concept for awhile & has created a ton of cool pencil sketches & inked drawings to back-up his idea. If you visit his website there is way more art to enjoy: The Joker, Batwoman, Robin, Batgirl, etc... It's gonna be interesting to see how this project comes along. So, if you wanna see more of Ted Naifeh's Graphic Art, & also keep up to date with what is going on, then please be sure to visit his website by clicking HERE!
Since the 1970's, when Neal Adams created this character, I have always been a HUGE Fan of Ra's Al Ghul. Now the thing that's really cool is that he will be making a first appearance on tonight's brand-new episode of BATMAN: THE BRAVE AND THE BOLD! The show's title is "Sidekicks Assemble" & will mainly feature Robin, Speedy, & Aqualad ( awesome! ) but the teaser part will have Ra's!! The animators did a really great job in capturing his personality & I love that they gave him a Silver-Age look...BEAUTIFUL! The voice acting is really good too, totally dead-on. Shown here is a Video Clip from the TV Series & then to sort of celebrate the 1st appearance of this character to the show I made a few RA'S AL GHUL Wallpaper Backgrounds...enjoy!

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