There's a brand-new Batman blog I discovered recently that I have to share because it's really funny & very clever . In fact I wish I would have thought of it, ha ha! It's called THE BRAVE AND THE BOLD: THE LOST ISSUES. Basically it's a parody humor site with vintage issues of the original "Brave & The Bold" Comic Books that have been mashed-up with other comics to produce books that were never made. But, they're all ones we wish they did! Like, he did one with Batman & "Batman Beyond" that is awesome! There's even one where the Caped Crusader teams-up with Captain James T. Kirk of Star Trek ( hilarious! ). In most of artwork for the fake covers the Photoshop technique is extremely well done. I mean, they look totally real! I think that's a large part of making them so funny. They just seem so believable. You'll find yourself thinking, "Hey, how did I miss that when it came out?". Here's a link if you want to check it out sometime, just click HERE!