Every Wednesday the Bat-Blog posts a few Batman Wallpapers for your enjoyment. We call it "Wacky Wallpaper Wednesday". We have been doing it for about 4 years now so it's sort of a tradition...we hope you like it! This week I thought I would go with a "Golden Age" theme. You know, images that are inspired by the 1940's Batman. The 1st background is the cover artwork for a recent book published by the Penguin Group called "Batman, The Story of The Dark Knight" written & illustrated by Ralph Cosentino. You might recognize this famous pose. It's sort of a re-creation of the "Detective Comics #27" comic book cover, the very 1st appearance of Batman. The interesting thing about Ralph's book is that it is written more in the style of a children's book, but adults would enjoy it too because the art is so cool & it's a fun story. Check it out on your next trip to the book store. Now, the 2nd wallpaper is a Black and White Publicity Photo of Lewis Wilson. He was the movie actor who played both Batman & Bruce Wayne in the 1943 BATMAN Serials. In other words, he was the very 1st "Movie Batman". I love this picture, it's so crazy! If you think about the era it was made the costume was actually pretty nice. Plus, it replicated the comic book look pretty well. OK, I hope you like at least 1 or 2 of these graphics, ha ha! If not then please be sure to visit the BAT-BLOG ARCHIVES where you can see hundreds more. That area is located on the far left-hand side of this page, near the middle.