Here at the Bat-Blog we're always trying to cover all the many different aspects of the Batman character but one main focus is on the joys of being a Bat-Collector. We also have a lot of great people who contribute wonderful material. This is a perfect example. Here are some photos sent in by our good friend, the BATFAN. He has a major collection of Batman Phone Cards he wanted to share. This is just a small portion of his full collection but these pics give you a great idea of what is out there ( Click on the pics for larger versions ). Phone Cards are really not that popular in the USA but in many foreign countries they're a VERY BIG deal. Our friend has got these from all over the globe: Brazil, Japan, Argentina, England, Canada, etc... I have always known of these things existing but never knew how many different ones there were. So, it's pretty cool to see these. My personal favorite ones are the "Batman: The Animated Series" Sets & the ones with the 1966 TV Show Actors ( Like Adam West, Julie Newmar, & Yvonne Craig ). The one with Adam West using the Red Bat-Phone is PERFECT! It's also cool to see the ones featuring the 1989 Tim Burton movie. I wanna thank BATFAN for taking the time to take these wonderful reference photos, they're GREAT! Do you have a large collection of a certain niche? Please send us some pics, thanks.