Alright! Here's our official announcement for the lucky Bat-Blog Fan who won the latest Bat-Blog Contest that ended late last night, at midnight! But before we announce that we have got to thank our good friend, The BATFAN, for this wonderful donation. Without his generosity this contest could not have happened. So, many many thanks to him, he ROCKS! Now, for the winner of the BATMAN MINI-BUST STATUE, Mint in The Original Box. The lucky winner, picked totally at random, is Clyde K. of Memphis, TN. Hey Clyde, we're going to be contacting you by email to confirm your address & as soon as we hear back from you we will be mailing this right out, congratulations!! To everybody else I want to thank you for entering & wish you better luck next time. In fact, we'll be having another Bat-Blog Contest very very soon so keep an eye out for that.