I love it when Bat-Blog Fans send us their vintage family photos & share their love of the Batman Universe. This group of pictures is our buddy Dave back in 1976! That Summer he made this incredible Robin, The Boy Wonder costume!! Dave said,
"Growing up in New Jersey, I was consumed with reruns of GET SMART, original STAR TREK, The MONKEES, and of course, BATMAN!! Adam West was fantastic as Batman, but he was a grown-up ( and kind of beefy! ). Weighing only 80 pounds, I found it much easier to relate to the lean, acrobatic Boy Wonder as portrayed by the great Burt Ward. Looking back, my primitive sewing skills were not that polished, but I think that my homemade Robin outfit holds up pretty well."Yes, this homemade costume is really GREAT! Thanks for sharing the fun pics. As a side note, that one picture of you on the ladder looks exactly like a famous publicity photo of Burt Ward. It's the same angle & pose, everything, that's cool! If any other Bat-Blog Readers out there have similar pics to share then please mail them in. Our email button is always on the top right-hand side of this blog page, thanks.